Top 5 Test Data Management Challenges Faced by the Insurance Sector

In a sector like insurance that's marked by its inherent complexity and diversified structure, development of latest features and maintenance of the insurance application may be a challenge. But a much bigger challenge is test data management because the data in such applications tend to be sensitive, interdependent and sometimes show high redundancy.

Let us check out a number of the explanations that make test data identification a challenge within the insurance sector.

Top 5 reasons that make test data identification a challenge within the insurance sector.

Regulatory Compliance:

Similar to banking, insurance may be a sector that's heavily regulated by federal and state laws. Frequent changes in regulations require making changes to the appliance for compliance. These recurrent releases make test data management an arduous task. Also, legal obligations to guard customer information forces insurance organizations to possess some mechanism to mask or obfuscate production data before making it available for testing.

Complex workflow:

The insurance sector is characterized by a spread of insurance services like life assurance, property insurance, vehicle insurance etc., each of which has a varied range of products and business segments. All transactions like new business, contract management, claims, policy renewal have their distinct workflows. Such diversity and complexity imply there'll be a spread of business scenarios that require to be tested which makes test data management an enormous task.

Lack of sufficient automation:

Insurance is one sector which is yet to require advantage of automation possibilities on an outsized scale. Data across various business segments is usually non-standardized which again makes automation a difficult proposition. Employing data processing and test data management GDPR can make the test data identification and found out process less tedious.

Domain knowledge:

Developers often lack sufficient domain knowledge concerning the various insurance types, each with their own business rules and workflows. Workflow, in insurance, may again vary counting on age and financial status. Without domain knowledge, identifying and preparing test data that meets your test criteria may be a challenge.

Lesser time to market:

Insurance may be a highly competitive sector with new products and services being announced regularly. At any time, there could also be multiple IT releases happening to support them. to take care of a competitive edge, companies are forced to release new products briefly time. This puts immense pressure on developers and testers who need to come up with top quality, winning product during a limited window of your time. This makes it challenging for testers to devote adequate time on activities like test data identification, test environment found out etc.